How to Use: Beurer Hair removal IPL 10000 | Setup Guide




Introduction of Hair Removal IPL 10000

The Hair Removal IPL 10000 is a state-of-the-art home-use device that provides long-lasting hair reduction. This innovative product uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to permanently reduce hair growth, giving you smooth and silky skin. With an estimated price range of $250 to $300 and a launch date of January 2021, this Beurer Hair Removal IPL 10000 is a game-changer in the world of hair removal.

Detailed Specifications

The Hair Removal IPL 10000 boasts several key features that make it an ideal choice for those seeking a convenient and efficient hair removal solution. These features include

  • IPL technology with 100,000 flashes for long-lasting results
  • Adjustable intensity levels for customized treatments
  • Integrated skin sensor for safe and effective use
  • Glide mode for larger treatment areas
  • Integrated UV filter to protect skin during treatments

What is the beurer SalonPro System

The Beurer SalonPro System is a light-based device for lasting hair removal for private use. The hair removal process based on laser and light is a well-known and proven method. In 15 years of clinical applications around the world, it has proven to be a safe and effective method for achieving lasting hair reduction.


How does the light remove the hair?
Light-based hair removal is founded on the principle of selective photothermal sis, which uses optical energy to deactivate hair growth. To achieve such a thermal effect, the hair shaft must selectively absorb the light energy and convert it into heat.


This selectivity is achieved when the optical energy that is released into the tissue is mainly absorbed by the pigment of the hair shaft, while the skin and the surrounding tissue remain cool. Melanin is the pigment in the hair shaft that is responsible for absorbing the light and generating the heat that ultimately deactivates hair growth. Therefore, the more melanin present in the hair (i.e. the darker the hair), the more light can be absorbed and the more effectively the light can work for the hair removal.
What effect does the hair growth cycle have on light-based hair removal?
Every hair on our body goes through the three phases of the hair growth cycle anagen, catagen, and telogen. These phases have a significant influence on how effective the light-based hair removal is. Anagen is the hair growth phase, while catagen and telogen are both resting phases. 


Although the duration of a complete hair growth cycle differs from person to person and depends on the area of the body the hair is gro Anagen wing on, the cycle generally lasts 18 to 24 months. 


At any given time, the majority of the hair follicles on an area of skin are in the resting phase. The beurer SalonPro System can have no effect on these resting Telogen Catagen hairs.


However, the hairs in the anagen growth phase respond to treatment using the beurer SalonPro System.  Please note that a complete hair growth cycle is required to achieve complete hair removal using the beurer SalonPro System.
With the beurer SalonPro System, safety is the top priority

  • IPL technology with the beurer SalonPro System 
    The highest level of safety with the lowest level of energy Thanks to Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, lasting hair removal results can be achieved with a mere fraction of the energy used by other light-based hair removal devices. The low level of energy used in the beurer SalonPro System reduces the potential risk of damage or complications and con-tributes to your general safety.
  • The beurer SalonPro System protects your skin
    Light-based hair removal is not suitable for naturally dark skin tones or tanned skin. The beurer SalonPro System features an integrated skin colour sensor that measures the colour of the area of skin to be treated, meaning that it is only possible to use the device on suitable skin colors. This safety feature prevents you from treating your skin if it is too dark or too tanned. The beurer SalonPro System applicator features built-in UV protection, blocking dangerous UV radiation.
  • The beurer SalonPro System protects your eyes
    To protect the eyes, the beurer SalonPro System applicator features a built-in skin contact sensor. The sensor was developed so that no light pulses can be emitted when the applicator is held in the air. The safety switch is only activated when the light area is in full contact with the tissue.



Description of Hair Removal IPL 10000

The Hair Removal is a user-friendly device that is easy to use and maintain. Its compact design and cordless functionality make it a convenient option for those who want to remove unwanted hair at home. The device is suitable for use on the legs, arms, underarms, and bikini area, and its adjustable intensity levels allow for customized treatments based on individual skin types and hair colors. With the Beurer Hair Removal IPL 10000, you can achieve smooth and silky skin without the need for time-consuming and expensive salon visits.
Base unit

  1. Base unit socket 
  2. Power switch
  3. Applicator
  4. Trigger button
  5. Indicator lamp
  6. The energy level selection button
  7. Energy indicator lamp
  8. Indicator lamp for "Cartridge empty"



A trigger button is located on the applicator handpiece. The flash lamp is activated by the trigger button. The cartridge is located in the interior housing of the applicator.  The indicator lamp is located at the top center of the applicator head and illuminates as follows

Indicator StatusMeaning
Indicator lamp not illuminatedPulse is not ready.
Indicator lamp illuminated greenPulse is ready.
Indicator lamp illuminated redThe pulse is blocked because the skin colour is unsuitable (see "Hair and skin colour chart" on the back page of these instructions for use).
Indicator lamp illuminated orangeThe pulse is blocked because the device is not in full contact with the skin.
Indicator lamp flashes red/energy control lamp flashes greenCartridge is not inserted properly.



The beurer SalonPro System cartridge features a built-in skin colour sensor.
Using light-based hair removal on darker skin tones can have adverse consequences, such as burns, blisters or discolouration of the skin (hyper- or hypopigmentation). To prevent such application errors, the skin colour sensor in the beurer SalonPro System measures the colour of the treated skin before each light pulse. If the skin colour sensor detects that the skin is too dark for the application of the beu-rer SalonPro System, the device automatically ceases to emit pulses.
If no light pulse can be seen and the indicator lamp is illuminated red, this indicates that the colour of your skin measured by the skin colour sensor is too dark to perform the treatment safely. 
The beurer SalonPro System cartridge also features a skin contact sensor to protect the eyes. The sen-sor was developed so that no light pulses can be emitted when the applicator is held in the air. If no light pulse can be seen and the indicator lamp is illuminated orange, this indicates that the light area on the cartridge does not have sufficient contact with the skin. Test the device on another part of your body or contact beurer SalonPro System Customer Services.
The beurer SalonPro System cartridge features built-in UV protection, blocking dangerous UV radiation.

Before you start

  1. Check whether the beurer SalonPro System is suitable for you
    Before using the beurer SalonPro System for the first time, check whether the device is suitable for you. To check whether the beurer SalonPro System is suitable for you, read Chapter 4 "Warnings and safety notes" and determine on the basis of the "Hair and skin colour chart", shown on the back page of the instructions for use, which light intensity is best suited to your skin and body hair and whether this method is suitable for you to use at all (if not, this is marked by an 'x' in the chart).
  2. Skin sensitivity test
    Perform a skin sensitivity test before using the SalonPro System. The aim of the skin sensitivity test is to determine how your skin reacts to treatment using the beurer SalonPro System. Furthermore, it helps you to set the optimum energy level for each treatment zone. Perform a skin sensitivity test on every area of skin that you would like to treat 48 hours prior to the complete treatment. 
    In the case of facial treatment, the skin sensitivity test should be performed on an area without hair, such as below the ear or on the side of the neck.
    1. Before the treatment, ensure that the skin is shaved, clean and dry (free from any residue such as powder, cream, make-up, antiperspirant or deodorant).
      DO NOT clean the skin with flammable liquids such as alcohol or acetone shortly before using the beurer SalonPro System.
    2. Set up the device as described in Chapter 8.1 "Starting treatment" under points 2 to 5.
    3. Place the light area of the cartridge on the desired test area and make sure it is in full contact with the skin. 
    4. The device is automatically set to the lowest energy level. Trigger the first pulse with energy level 1 by pressing the trigger button. You will see a bright flash, hear a cracking noise and may feel a slight burning sensation and/or warmth. Within three seconds, the device is ready for the next pulse and the indicator lamp on the applicator is continuously illuminated green.
    5. Remove the applicator from the skin and place it on the next part of the test area.
      Only increase the energy level if the previous level is not uncomfortable for you. If energy level 1 is uncomfortable for you, do not increase the energy level.
    6. The energy level can be increased by an increment of 1 by pressing the "+" energy level button. The energy indicator lamps illuminate in accordance with the selected energy level. Trigger the second pulse with energy level 2 by pressing the trigger button.
    7. Only repeat steps 5 and 6 if you feel in good health, until you have reached the top energy level 6. Stop the test if it feels uncomfortable, as there is a risk of adverse consequences if the energy level is increased. Stop the test immediately if you notice adverse effects such as extreme reddening or blistering.
    8. Wait 48 hours and examine the treated area. If the skin on the treated area appears normal (no reaction or slight reddening), you can continue with the full treatment using the highest energy level that you found comfortable during the test. If you notice extreme reddening, swelling or blistering even at a low energy level, do not perform a full treatment on this area.
      Do not perform a full treatment with an energy level that you have not tested beforehand!
      Do not treat the tested area until at least one week after performing the test.
  3. Plan hair removal using the beurer SalonPro System for the best results 
    A typical hair growth cycle can last 18 to 24 months. During this time, several sessions using the beurer SalonPro System may be necessary to achieve lasting hair removal. The effectiveness of the hair removal differs from person to person and varies depending on the area of the body and hair colour, as well as on how the beurer SalonPro System is used.
    Typical hair removal plan using the beurer SalonPro System over a complete hair growth cycle
    • The first three or four hair removal sessions using the beurer SalonPro System should be performed around two weeks apart 
    • The fifth to seventh hair removal sessions using the beurer SalonPro System should be performed around four weeks apart. Afterward, you will use the beurer SalonPro System from time to time as necessary, until lasting results are achieved. 
    • This corresponds to the recommended treatment plan that has proven to achieve the best results. You can, however, create a different personal treatment plan and still achieve satisfactory results.
      Typical aftercare with the beurer SalonPro System after achieving lasting hair removal
      Due to hormonal or other physiological changes, resting hair follicles can become active. For this reason, hair removal sessions for after treatment using the beurer SalonPro System may be necessary from time to time.
  4. Prepare the treatment area
    Before the treatment, ensure that the skin is shaved, clean and dry (free from any residue such as powder, cream, make-up, antiperspirant or deodorant).
    Do not clean the skin with flammable liquids such as alcohol or acetone shortly before using the beurer SalonPro System.
  5. Set the energy intensity level
    Energy level
    The energy level determines the intensity of the light pulse emitted by the beurer SalonPro System onto your skin (from the lowest level (-) to the highest level (+)). The corresponding energy indicator lamps on the base unit indicate the increase in energy level. As the energy level increases, so do the hair removal results and the risk of possible side effects and complications. Always start your first hair removal session with the beurer SalonPro System using the lowest energy level setting. If during and after your first hair removal session using the lowest energy level you notice slight or no irritation, increase the energy level for the next session by one level and so on for each subsequent session.
    Do not increase the energy level if you experience an abnormal amount of pain during or after the treatment using the beurer SalonPro System! (See "Step 6 Familiarise yourself with the possible side-effects") Do not increase the energy level during the hair removal session, even if you do not notice any discomfort. Irritation can occur some time after the treatment itself.
    Do not treat the same area of skin more than once per hair removal session! Treating an area of skin more than once during a single hair removal session can increase the probability of side effects. Try to avoid overlapping pulses.
  6. Familiarise yourself with the possible side-effects of using the beurer SalonPro System
    If the beurer SalonPro System is used in accordance with these instructions for use, side effects and complications seldom occur in relation to the use of the beurer SalonPro System. However, every cosmetic treatment method – including methods such as these designed for use at home – is associated with a certain degree of risk. That is why it is important that you understand and accept the risks and complications that can occur with hair removal systems for use at home that use pulsed light.
ComplicationProbability of the complicationSide effectProbability of the side effect
Impact of several pulses on the same area of skinLowSlight skin irritationLow
  Reddening of the skinLow
  Increased sensitivity of the skinLow
  Skin lesions and burnsSeldom
  Changes to pigmentationSeldom
  Excessive reddening and swellingSeldom
  • Slight soreness to skin
    Although hair removal at home using pulsed light is generally tolerated very well, the majority of users experience slight discomfort during the treatment, which is usually described as a slight stinging on the treated skin area. The stinging usually lasts for the duration of the treatment or a few minutes afterward. Anything beyond this slight discomfort is not normal and means that you should discontinue using the beurer SalonPro System because the hair removal treatment is not suitable for you or the energy level setting is too high.
  • Reddening of the skin
    Your skin may become red directly after treatment using the beurer SalonPro System or within 24 hours after the treatment. Any reddening generally fades within 24 hours. Consult your doctor if the reddening does not disappear within two or three days.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin
    The skin on the treated area is more sensitive, which can lead to dryness or skin peeling.
  • Skin lesions and burns 
    In very rare cases, burns or lesions to the skin can occur after the treatment. The burn or lesion may take a few weeks to heal and, in extremely rare cases, you may be left with a visible scar.
  • Scarring
    Although it only occurs very rarely, permanent scarring may occur. Scarring usually occurs in the form of a flat, white lesion on the skin (hypotrophy). However, it may also be wide and red (hypotrophy) or wide and extend further than the injury itself  (keloid). Subsequent aesthetic treatment may be required to improve the appearance of the scar.
  • Changes to pigmentation 
    The beurer SalonPro System targets the hair shaft and, in particular, the pigmented cells in the hair follicle and the hair follicle itself.
    Despite this, there is a risk of hyperpigmentation (increased pigment or brown discolouration) or hypo-pigmentation (fading) of the surrounding skin. The risk of changes to the skin pigmentation is higher for people with darker skin. Discolouration or changes to skin pigmentation are usually temporary and per-manent hyper- or hypopigmentation only occurs rarely.
  • Excessive reddening and swelling
    In rare cases, the treated skin can become very red and swollen. This is more likely to occur in sensitive parts of the body. Reddening and swelling should subside within two to seven days and be treated by frequent application of ice. Gentle cleaning is OK, but you should avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Infection
    An infection of the skin is extremely rare, yet still a possible risk after a burn or lesion to the skin caused by the beurer SalonPro System.
  • Haematoma
    In very rare cases, using the beurer SalonPro System can result in blue/purple hematoma that may last five to ten days. Once the haematoma fades, rusty brown discoloration of the skin (hyperpigmentation) can occur, which may be permanent.

What can be expected from treatment using the beurer SalonPro System?
For many users, the beurer SalonPro System may be the first experience they have with a light-based device developed for use at home. The beurer SalonPro System is simple to use and hair removal sessions do not take long. During a session with the beurer SalonPro System, it is normal to experience and notice the following:

  • Whirring of the fan – The cooling fan in the beurer SalonPro System makes a noise similar to a hair-dryer. This is normal.
  • Cracking noise with every pulse – When a pulse is triggered from the beurer SalonPro System, it is normal to hear a kind of cracking noise at the same time as the flash of light.
  • Slight impression of the applicator – This is necessary and helpful for the placement of adjacent light pulses and is part of the beurer SalonPro System's safety function.
  • Feeling of warmth and prickling sensation – During each light pulse, it is normal to feel a slight warmth and prickling sensation from the light energy. Remember that it is important to always use the lowest energy level for the first hair removal sessions. You may feel a certain warmth up to an hour after using the beurer SalonPro System.
  • Slight reddening of the skin – During or directly after your session with the beurer SalonPro System, it is not unusual to experience a slight reddening of the skin. This is usually most visible around the hairs themselves. However, if you notice complete reddening of the skin, blistering or burns, stop using the beurer SalonPro System immediately.

Using the beurer SalonPro System

If you would like to use the device on your facial area, first read the instructions in Chapter 8.2 to 8.6, before looking at Chapter 8.1 "Starting treatment".
Starting treatment

  1. Remove the base unit, applicator and other components of the beurer SalonPro System from the box.
  2. Check that the cartridge is correctly plugged into the applicator.
  3. Insert the mains cable into the socket of the beurer SalonPro System BASE UNIT.
  4. Insert the other end of the mains cable into a plug socket. Your beurer SalonPro System is now ready for use.
  5. Flip the power switch on the back of the base unit. The indicator lamp and the energy indicator lamp are illuminated and the noise of a fan (similar to the noise a hair dryer makes) can be heard.
  6. The device is automatically set to the lowest energy level. The device is then ready to emit the first pulse.
  7. The energy selection buttons "-" and "+" for the energy level can be used to decrease or increase the energy level to set the device to the level determined in the skin sensitivity test (see Chapter 7, step 2)    and/or to adjust the setting to your requirements. The energy indicator lamps illuminate green in accordance with the selected energy level.
  8. Place the light area of the cartridge on the desired treatment area and make sure it is in full contact with the skin.
  9. Press the trigger button. You will see a bright flash, hear a cracking noise and may feel a slight burning sensation and/or warmth. The beurer SalonPro System features a "flash-glide" function. When you press and hold the trigger button, a bright flash is automatically triggered every three seconds, meaning that you do not have to press the trigger button every time.
  10. Remove the applicator from the skin and place it on the next part of the treatment area. When repositioning the applicator, make sure not to leave any gaps or overlap the treated skin. The device recharges itself immediately and is ready for the next pulse within three seconds (the indicator lamp on the applicator continuously illuminates green once again). Repeat the process until the entire area of skin has been treated.

After treatment using the beurer SalonPro System

  • Once the hair removal session using the beurer SalonPro System is finished, switch off the device by flipping the power switch off.
  • Unplug the mains cable from the mains socket.
  • After each hair removal session, it is recommended that you clean your beurer SalonPro System, paying particular attention to the light area (see Chapter 9.1 "Cleaning the beurer SalonPro System").
  • After cleaning, it is recommended that you store your beurer SalonPro System in its original box and keep away from water.

Facial treatment
The skin on your face is very sensitive and requires special care. Observe all warning and safety notes in these instructions for use to prevent adverse consequences. We recommend that you first perform a treatment on your body and get to know the device before performing facial treatment. All areas of the face below the cheekbones, such as the upper lip, cheeks, jaw, chin and neck can be treated using the beurer SalonPro System. 

  1. You must carry out a skin sensitivity test 48 hours before treatment (see Chapter 7, step 2). The skin sensitivity test should be performed on an area without hair, such as below the ear or on the side of the neck, to determine the suitable energy level.
    WARNING : Do not treat the tested area until at least one week after performing the skin sensitivity test.
  2. Mark the treated area with a white eyeliner pencil. Use the marking as an orientation line for issuing the pulses. This way you can prevent overlapping the treatment areas or treating other areas of the face by mistake.
  3. Use a mirror to position the applicator correctly on the treatment area.
  4. Follow the instructions for use (see previous chapter 8.1 “Starting treatment”) and observe the following specific instructions, in particular.

Facial hair can be a result of hormones, which means that several sessions may be required to achieve permanent hair reduction 
Treating the upper lip
Position the treatment window of the applicator as shown in the figure. Trigger a pulse in every marked zone.
Avoid applying the treatment to the nostrils and lips, as these areas are more sensitive.
You can "fold in" your lips or press them together to make the treatment area more taut, or apply a thick layer of white eyeliner to the lips and around the edge of the lips. The white line ensures that the energy of the flash is reflected and does not reach your lips, should you accidentally apply a pulse to your lip.
Treating the cheeks and jaw
Position the treatment window of the applicator as shown in the figure. At each point, trigger a pulse and move from one side of the check or jaw to the other.
Treating the neck and chin
Position the treatment window of the applicator as shown in the figure. At each point, trigger a pulse and move from one side of the neck or chin to the other.
Care after facial treatment

  • Apply a soothing lotion such as aloe vera.
  • Do not use exfoliators, whitening lotions or similar products for at least 24 hours, as this could irritate the treated skin.
  • For at least two weeks after the treatment, avoid more than 15 minutes of direct exposure to the sun. If recently treated skin is exposed to sunlight during this period, sun protection with SPF 30 or higher must be applied.
  • Do not remove hair on the treated areas using wax or tweezers.

Remember that it may take a complete hair growth cycle for hair removal to be complete.

Care and maintenance of the beurer SalonPro System

Cleaning the beurer SalonPro System
After each hair removal session, it is recommended that you clean your beurer SalonPro System, paying particular attention to the light area.

  • Never immerse the beurer SalonPro System or any of its parts in water!
  • Before cleaning, unplug the mains plug of the beurer SalonPro System.
  • Use a clean, dry cloth and cleaning agent especially intended for electronic devices to gently wipe the surface of the beurer SalonPro System, paying particular attention to the light surface.

Replacing the cartridge
The cartridge has a life cycle of up to 150,000 light pulses, which is sufficient for up to 40 years for normal use (one user, full body treatment including legs, arms, armpits, bikini zone and face). This means that the cartridge for this model does not usually need to be replaced.
Changing to a new cartridge

  1. Switch off the device and remove the main plug from the socket.
  2. Hold the used cartridge on both sides and pull it out in one smooth motion. Do not use force. Dispose of the used cartridge.
  3. Unpack the new cartridge and plug it in.


While the Hair Removal IPL 10000 is a reliable and efficient device, there are a few common problems that may arise during use. These include

“My beurer SalonPro System cannot be switched on”

  • Ensure that the mains cable is correctly connected to the beurer SalonPro System device.
  • Ensure that the mains cable is inserted into a wall socket

“No light pulse is emitted when I press the trigger button”

  • Ensure that the device is in full contact with the skin and that the light area is pressed onto the skin evenly and firmly. For your safety, the trigger button only activates a pulse if the light area is pressed firmly against the skin.
  • Check the indicator lamp. If the indicator lamp on the applicator is illuminated red, this indicates that your skin color, as measured by the skin color sensor, is too dark for safe application. Test the device on another part of your body or contact beurer SalonPro System Customer Services. If the indicator lamp on the applicator is illuminated orange, this indicates that the contact with the skin, as measured by the skin contact sensor, is insufficient. Increase the level of contact with the skin or contact beurer SalonPro System Customer Services.
  • In the event of a general fault, all six energy indicator lamps flash green simultaneously. Reset the device. Should you still have problems with your device, please contact Customer Services. 
  • Check the indicator lamp. If the indicator lamp on the applicator is flashing red and the indicator lamp on the device is flashing green, this indicates that the cartridge is not inserted correctly in the applicator. Reinsert the cartridge into the applicator.

Pros & Cons of Hair Removal IPL 10000


  • Long-lasting hair reduction
  • Adjustable intensity levels for customized treatments
  • Compact and cordless design
  • Integrated skin sensor for safe use
  • Affordable alternative to salon treatments


  • May not be suitable for all skin types and hair colors
  • Initial treatment may cause some discomfort
  • May require multiple treatments for optimal results

Customer Reviews of Beurer Hair Removal IPL 10000

Customers have praised the Hair Removal IPL 10000 for its ease of use, effectiveness, and affordability. Many have reported significant hair reduction after just a few treatments, and have noted that the device is convenient and easy to use at home. However, some have reported that the device may not be suitable for all skin types and hair colors, and that initial treatments may cause some discomfort.



What is IPL technology and how does it work?

IPL technology uses intense pulsed light to target the hair follicle, damaging it and preventing future hair growth. This technology is similar to laser hair removal, but uses a broader spectrum of light, making it a more affordable and accessible option for at-home use.

Is it possible to use the Hair Removal IPL 10000 on all skin types?

While the Hair Removal IPL 10000 works well on a variety of skin tones, very light or very dark hair may not be a good fit for it. For safety, the gadget frequently has a skin tone sensor. For information on what skin types and hair colours the device may safely treat, consult the user handbook.

How should my skin be ready for the Hair Removal IPL 10000 treatment?

Shave the treatment area before to using the Hair Removal IPL 10000 to make sure the light energy is focused on the hair root. Make sure the skin is entirely dry and free of irritation by cleaning it to remove any lotions or makeup.

Which body parts can I treat with the IPL 10000 Hair Removal System?

The majority of body parts, including the face, legs, bikini line, underarms, chest and back, can be treated with the Hair Removal IPL 10000. Steer clear of using the device near the eyes, on the scalp, or in close quarters where skin sensitivity is higher.

For optimal outcomes, how frequently should I use the Hair Removal IPL 10000?

For the first four to six sessions, use the Hair Removal IPL 10000 once every two weeks. Once hair regrowth is seen, you can use it as needed or once a month for maintenance after this initial period.

After using the Hair Removal IPL 10000, is there any downtime?

Usually, there is no recovery period needed following Hair Removal IPL 10000 use. A slight redness may occur in certain users, although this normally goes away in a few hours. Always adhere to the user manual's aftercare guidelines.

How long does the Hair Removal IPL 10000 take to show results?

While the Hair Removal IPL 10000 can produce a range of effects, most users report a decrease in hair growth after three to four treatments. Regular use over several months yields more noticeable benefits.

If the Hair Removal IPL 10000 won't switch on or isn't working correctly, what should I do?

Make sure the gadget is correctly plugged in or completely charged. Examine the device or the power cord for any obvious damage. For additional help, get in touch with the manufacturer's customer care if troubleshooting doesn't fix the problem.

Is it possible for many people to utilise the Hair Removal IPL 10000?

The Hair Removal IPL 10000 can be shared, however it's crucial that each user give the gadget a complete cleaning in between uses. For hygienic reasons, every user should also apply their own attachments, if any, and do a patch test.

What is covered by the Hair Removal IPL 10000 warranty, and how long is it valid for?

The manufacturer's warranty for the Hair Removal IPL 10000 usually lasts between one and two years. Generally speaking, the guarantee covers material or workmanship faults; however, it does not cover problems resulting from abuse, mishaps, or unapproved repairs.

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