Ispring 123Filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 User Manual



Ispring 123Filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 Introduction

The revolutionary environmental technology that conditions hard water and reduces scale build-up. It is chemical-free, thus environmentally friendly. It is easy to install and effectively reduces scale build-up in plumbing, nozzles, valves, and home appliances. To gain the most benefit and make this chemical-free solution complete, it is ideal to use it with an Iron-reducing Whole House Filter, Shower Filter, and Undersink Water Filter. The total cost is about the same or even less than a Salt-based Water Softener.

Please read this manual carefully and completely before proceeding with installation. Please retain the manual for future reference. 

Wrap the full length of each coil around the pipe in their respective directions. Make sure the coils are wrapped snug against each other, leaving no space between the coils on each wrap.


Detailed Specifications

The Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 has several key features that make it an excellent choice for your home. It has a compact design, making it easy to install in any home. The product uses advanced electronic technology to condition water, reducing the hardness and scaling that can damage appliances and plumbing. The ED2000 has a flow rate of up to 12 GPM, making it suitable for homes with multiple bathrooms. It also has a low-power consumption of only 12 watts, making it an energy-efficient choice. The product comes with a digital display that shows the water hardness level and other essential information.


Please read the following information carefully and completely before installation. The product dimensions measure 12 x 9.5 x 2.5 inches, with each coil 55 inches long. The operating voltage is 110 - 120V.


The ED2000 unit comes with a guarantee of 12 months from the date of the original purchase against manufacturing and material defects. Details of the warranty are available at the end of this manual. To activate your warranty, please fill out and mail the registration form available at the back of this manual to our warranty department today. This will allow us to better assist you if you have any questions about the ED2000 water conditioning system. It also allows us to keep the ED2000 system users informed on water quality issues and new product announcements.


The hardness and iron levels can significantly impact the operation of ED2000. It’s extremely important to understand the hardness and mineral level of the water before installing a water conditioning system. Minerals and hardness of the water impact the time required to change the characteristics of the lime scale. The best way to find out the mineral level and hardness in your water is to connect with your local health authority or to take help from a water testing service.


High iron levels (insoluble and soluble) in water can deteriorate and degrade the operation of ED2000’s electrical field, decreasing its efficiency on reducing scale. Under such circumstances, it’s recommended to use an iron removal system to remove the iron prior to using ED2000. If iron levels are above 0.3 ppm (parts per million), an iron removal system should always be used.


Definition of hardness: (Taken from the 1992 edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater) “Originally, water hardness was understood to be a measure of the capacity of water to precipitate soap. Soap is precipitated chiefly by the calcium and magnesium ions present. Other polyvalent cations also may precipitate soap, but they often are in complex forms, frequently with organic constituents, and their role in water hardness may be minimal and difficult to define. In conformity with current practice, total hardness is defined as the sum of the calcium and magnesium concentrations, both expressed as calcium carbonate, in milligrams per liter.” Currently, the water hardness is determined by the concentration of magnesium and calcium in the water.

A traditional water softener eliminates the magnesium and calcium from the water using a process known as “Ion Exchange.” Water treated with traditional softeners will demonstrate a change in hardness as per the present practice of computing water hardness. ED2000 does not remove any calcium or magnesium ions from the water; therefore, testing the water before and after the installation of the ED2000 will not show any change in the water hardness as per the traditional methods. The effects of the ED2000 can be determined by observing the changes in the treated water on scale-forming areas such as showerhead scaling, humidifier media pad scaling, scaling on cooking utensils, and the quantity of soap needed for the laundry.

The table below defines the water hardness as per the Water Quality Association. You can use this table as a reference to determine the hardness of your water, once the water test results are received. ED2000 works effectively on water with a hardness level of 425 ppm or 25 gpg. For hardness levels above 425 ppm, it is recommended to use the ED2000 in conjunction with a traditional water softener to remove hardness and condition the water. This will minimize the salt required to eliminate the hardness and will sustain the cost-saving benefits of the ED2000 water-conditioning system.

SoftLess than 17.1Less than 1.0
Slightly Hard17.1 to 601.0 to 3.5
Moderately Hard60 to 1203.5 to 7.0
Hard120 to 1807.0 to 10.5
Very Hard180 and above10.5 and above


The following timetable can be observed for performance evaluation of ED2000 for the first 90 days.

  • Day 1: On day 1, you can observe that the soap lathers more easily and more effectively as the ED2000 action instantly begins to slacken prevailing scale in the cold and hot water systems.
  • After 1 week: Breaking down scale on water pipes, water heater elements (immersion rod heaters), and tanks. You may observe some small particles in the water coming from the hot water tap, although most of the broken-down particles will be microscopic and can’t be observed by the naked eye.
  • After 2 weeks: Loosening of scale on showerheads, faucets, and kettles can be observed. Wiping plastic, ceramic, metal, and glass surfaces becomes much easier. Soap and detergent required for bathing, cleaning, and laundering are significantly reduced.
  • After 1 month: With the loosening of scale from the water heating system, it should take less time for heating the water. The amount of scale on pipes, faucets, and showerheads should be significantly reduced.
  • After 3 months: Disappearance of scale from showerheads. Scaly crust in toilets is significantly reduced. No new crust should form. Depending upon the age of scaling and hardness of water, it may take up to 12 weeks for these effects to appear.

Please note: The ED2000 is NOT a water softener and does not REMOVE calcium or magnesium from the water.



The ED2000 should be applied on the main water supply pipe through which water enters the building. This will optimize the operation of ED2000 and will ensure that the system conditions all of the water supplied to the building. If a water meter or grounding cable is used, it’s recommended to install the ED2000 after the water meter or grounding cable is attached to the plumbing system. The ED2000 can be used effectively on any type of water pipe; galvanized, copper, or plastic. ED2000 should be installed at least ten feet from any TV, radio, cordless telephone, or any other electronic system to minimize possible interference.


  • STEP 1: WRAP THE COILS Wrap the left antenna from center to left, starting under the water pipe. Wrap the right antenna from center to right, starting over the water pipe. This way ensures two coils are formed into continuous counter-clockwise circles against the water flow. Each coil is long enough to wrap at least 12 rounds on a 3/4-inch pipe. A minimum of 7 rounds is required, the more the better. Secure the wrappings with included cable ties.
  • STEP 2: MOUNT THE UNIT ON THE WALL Mount or hang the ED2000 on the wall using screws. For convenience, it could also be tied to the water pipe using cable ties.
  • STEP 3: PLUG IN THE POWER ADAPTER The LED lights should start flashing sequentially and indicate that the ED2000 is functioning properly.


The ground-breaking Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 may fix hard water issues in your house. Compared to conventional salt-based water softeners, it is a more environmentally responsible option. Utilizing electronic technology, the ED2000 softens water to lessen scale and hardness, which can harm pipes and appliances. Because of its small size, the device is simple to install in any type of home. With a maximum flow rate of 12 GPM, it is appropriate for houses with several bathrooms. The ED2000 is an energy-efficient option because of its low power usage of only 12 watts. It is simple to operate and maintain thanks to the digital display, which provides the water hardness level and other pertinent information.

Setup Guide

Installing the Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 is a straightforward process. First, turn off the water supply to your home. Next, locate the water main and attach the ED2000 to the pipe using the included bracket. Connect the electrical supply and turn on the water. The ED2000 will automatically adjust to the water flow and start conditioning the water. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure proper installation.



The ED2000 water conditioner is designed to operate without any interruption, providing years of enhanced water quality. If your water quality seems to have changed, check the items below to determine that your ED2000 unit is functioning correctly. To reset the ED2000, simply switch off the unit, wait for some time, and switch on the power supply. If you are residing in an area where power surges are frequent, it is recommended to install a surge protector on the electrical outlet that the ED2000 transformer is plugged into.


The antenna wires must be held tightly against the pipe, and the coils must be pressed snugly against each other to transfer the energy into the water. If the antenna wires are loose, tighten them and also retighten the wire ties. Make sure that the antennas are wrapped in the correct direction.


Please take a minute to fill out the form. Place in a stamped envelope and mail it to the address below. Or, for your convenience, snap a photo with your phone and email it to [email protected] with the subject “ED2000 WARRANTY REGISTRATION”. You may also register online at 

Pros & Cons


  • Eco-friendly alternative to traditional water softeners
  • Reduces hardness and scaling in water
  • Compact design, easy to install
  • Low power consumption
  • Digital display for easy use and maintenance


  • May not be suitable for homes with extremely hard water
  • Initial cost may be higher than traditional water softeners

Customer Reviews

Customers have praised the Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 for its ease of use, eco-friendliness, and effectiveness in reducing hard water problems. Some customers have reported issues with water flow and pressure, but these have been resolved with proper installation and maintenance. Overall, the ED2000 has received positive reviews from customers, with many recommending it to friends and family.


Is the Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 for severely hard water?

123filter Electronic effective for treating water with hardness as high as 425 ppm or 25 grains. For water which is harder than this it is recommended to use a traditional water softener in addition to the ED2000. ED2000 should be mounted before the softener for best results.

Do I need more than one Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 for my home?

One ED2000 is sufficient for most homes, with water mains of 1 inch or less. For houses with water supply mains larger than 1" but less than 1.5", it is recommended to install two ED2000s side by side.

Is there any effect on water pressure due to Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000?

With the reduction in scaling, 123filter will have a positive impact on the water pressure as a side effect the water pressure will be improved.

What is the effect of Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner on iron content in the water?

ED2000 does not have any impact on the iron content of the water. For water with higher iron content (above .30 ppm), it is recommended to us an iron filter before the ED2000. iSpring Water Systems has 1-stage, 2-stage and 3-stage Whole House Water Filters that can be equipped with iron/manganese filter cartridge. iSpring also has flushable Hollow Fiber UF filter that can filter down to 0.1 micron, the physical barrier to remove most iron particles.

What is the best place to install Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000?

It is where the main water line that comes into the house, before it splits to the water heater or other plumbing; preferably indoors. If you need to install Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner outdoors, please make sure the location is waterproof and with no direct sunlight and heat.

How often do I need to maintain the 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner?

The ED2000 requires minimal maintenance, with occasional cleaning of the filters and an annual check-up recommended.

I have plastic piping in my home, can I use 123filter?

ED2000 is suitable for all types of plumbing, including plastic, copper and galvanized.

Is it necessary to install Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 on a pipe?

The box can be tight on pipe, although it is recommended to mount the unit on the wall and wrapping the antenna around the pipe. Antenna should touch the pipe. A minimum of seven wraps per antenna are required.

Can the Ispring 123filter be mounted horizontally?

The box can be mounted in any direction, as long as the two antennas are wrapped on pipe in clock-wise and counter clock-wise direction for at least 7 rounds each.

What is the warranty on the ED2000?

The Ispring 123filter Electronic Water Conditioner ED2000 comes with a 10-year warranty, covering defects in materials and workmanship.

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