Specifications: Bosu Home Balance Trainer 10855R-5 User Manual
Introduction about Bosu Home Balance Trainer 10855R-5
The BOSU Balance Trainer gives you a fast, fun workout that is easy to fit into even the busiest lifestyle. The BOSU Balance Trainer program has been designed so that you can train cardiovascular or aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance (especially for the ab and back muscles), and flexibility. And while you’re getting stronger and more fit, you’ll also be improving your balance, coordination and body awareness. What this means is that you’ll look better, feel better, and move better in sports and fitness training as well as daily activities.
The BOSU Balance Trainer is safe and easy to use, regardless of your current fitness level. It has been designed so that you can start with easy exercises, and then gradually advance to more difficult exercises as your fitness level and balance improve. Whether you’re a first-time beginner, or an experienced athlete, the BOSU Balance Trainer is versatile enough to provide a workout that is not only effective, but fun!
Take a few minutes and read through this Owner’s Manual. You’ll learn safety tips, how to correctly perform a BOSU workout, and how to integrate the BOSU Balance Trainer workout into your total program. For a short, 8-10 minute BOSU workout.
If, during the course of using your BOSU Balance Trainer, you have any questions about the program, please contact our Customer Service Department at the phone number, email address or web address listed below. As always, you have our personal assurance that we want your complete satisfaction. After all, your success is our success too!
Priced at approximately $140, it's a worthwhile investment for those seeking a comprehensive home workout solution.
BOSU is an acronym for “both sides up”. The BOSU Balance Trainer can be used with the platform side either up or down for different types of exercises. The solid platform is 25 inches in diameter, and the dome should be inflated until it measures 10” with dome side up or 8-1/2” with dome side down. Two recessed handles on the bottom of, and toward the sides of the platform, make it easy to turn over or carry. This fitness product has its foundation in the field of medicine, as well as balance, functional and sport specific training. Neuromuscular physiology, which helps define human movement, provides the science that backs this complete approach to training.
Your BOSU Balance Trainer comes complete with a dual-action hand pump, plug and this instructional owner’s manual.
The Bosu Home Balance Trainer 10855R-5 is an adaptable piece of equipment that can be used in multiple positions. It can be used with the dome side up or down, allowing for a wide range of exercises that target different muscle groups. The textured surface ensures a secure grip, reducing the risk of slipping during use. The included workout DVD and manual provide guidance on how to get the most out of your Bosu trainer, with exercises tailored for beginners and advanced users alike.
- Find the dual-action hand pump that came with your BOSU Balance Trainer and remove it from its wrapping. (See Fig. A)
- Place your BOSU Balance Trainer flat on the floor with the platform side up. (See Fig. B)
Insert the dual-action hand pump nozzle firmly into the valve housing and inflate to a height of about 8-1/2 inches. (See Fig. B) DO NOT exceed 10 inches.
TIP: To judge proper inflation, simply hold a ruler vertically against the side of the BOSU Balance Trainer and inflate until the platform clears approximately 8-1/2” high on the ruler with dome side down and a maximum of 10” high with dome side up. (See Figs. C1 and C2)- Before each use, visually inspect the equipment. To help avoid unexpected sliding of the BOSU Balance Trainer, make sure all 6 feet are tightly inserted into the platform. Do not use the equipment if any of the feet are missing. Never use the equipment if parts are missing or if the equipment is not functioning properly.
- When you have inflated your BOSU Balance Trainer to the desired height, firmly insert the air plug into the valve inlet. The air plug is included in the plastic bag with this manual.
Setting Up
Make sure your BOSU Balance Trainer is set on a non-slip, level surface with adequate clearance space around you. You should have enough space to lie in a face up, face down, or sidelying position on top of the dome, and to be able to step off safely in any direction. Make sure that if you lost your balance and fell, you would not hit any nearby objects. To reduce the risk of injury if a fall were to occur, use a mat or exercise pad on wood or other hard surfaces.
- Before you begin the BOSU Balance Trainer Workout, it’s important that you feel comfortable stepping on and off the dynamic surface of the dome in all directions.
- Practice slowly stepping up on top of the dome. Then, walk forward off the dome and onto the floor. Repeat a few times, making sure that you alternate legs (See Fig. A and Fig. B).
- When you are comfortable stepping up and down in a forward direction, practice stepping up and down from the side of the BOSU Balance Trainer.
- Finally, step up on top of the dome and down to the back. Step on and off with control, and always stay within your comfort range.
When following any of the BOSU exercise videos, acclimation exercises are demonstrated.
- When you are comfortable stepping on and off the BOSU Balance Trainer dome in all directions, you are ready to practice “centered” position. Step up on top of the dome, and place your feet about hip width apart or slightly narrower. Place your arms out to the sides for balance assistance, or place the hands on your hips for more balance challenge. Try to maintain good posture, with the knees “soft” (not locked) and the feet as level as possible (See Fig. C).
- As you stand on the BOSU Balance Trainer you will feel your core muscles (abs and back) working to maintain balance. The muscles in your feet and lower legs are also working hard.
- Relax and let your body find the “path of least resistance.” You will discover that it is impossible to stand completely still!
This is perfectly normal, and as your balance and coordination improve, your body will become more and more efficient at maintaining balance. For more challenge, turn your head from side to side, tilt the head from side to side (See Fig. D), or close your eyes for a few seconds. These variations are very challenging and may take time and patience to master.
- If you are just starting an exercise program with your BOSU Balance Trainer workout, choose a time of day that’s good for you and then stick to it closely. You should choose a time when you feel energetic, when interruptions are few, and when you have not eaten for approximately two hours.
- Practice each exercise until you are very clear on correct technique. When following any of the BOSU exercise videos, begin with the easier variation of each exercise and progress to the more challenging variations only when you feel ready.
- Using muscle fatigue and proper technique as a guide, increase your repetitions to the number that you can complete comfortably and correctly. It is more important to perform the exercises correctly than it is to complete the suggested number of repetitions.
- Start your program with two BOSU Balance Trainer workouts per week. If you’d like to add workouts, gradually build up to every other day of the week. It is important to have one day of rest between challenging workouts.
Each exercise in this workout integrates balance and stabilization to challenge the cardiovascular/aerobic system, muscle strength, endurance or flexibility.
For an effective 8-10 minute BOSU Balance Trainer Total Body Workout, perform each exercise for the number of repetitions suggested. If you’re just starting out, you may have to slowly build up to the suggested number of repetitions. For longer fitness and sports training workouts with expert instruction, follow any of the BOSU videos available at https://www.bosu.com
The goal of this exercise is to challenge the cardiovascular system, while simultaneously working dynamic balance, agility and core stabilization.
- Stand in a centered position on top of the dome with the feet placed hip width apart or slightly narrower.
- Perform a squat, while simultaneously rotating the torso to one side and reaching for the outside of the knee or ankle (See Fig. 1). Begin to extend out of the squat and continue into a forward facing jump (See Fig. 2).
Land in the centered position and briefly hold or “stick” the landing (See Fig. 3). Repeat the rotary squat and jump stick to the other side.
- Work to keep the feet as level as possible throughout the exercise.
- For an easier modification of the jump stick movement, simply bounce slightly, without leaving the surface of the dome.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge the cardiovascular system, while simultaneously working dynamic balance, agility and core stabilization.
- Stand on the floor to one side of the BOSU Balance Trainer.
- With the inside leg, leap to the center of the dome, landing on one foot and briefly holding (See Fig. 4).
- Step back down with the outside leg. Repeat the leap hold on the same leg.
After completing the desired number of repetitions, step to the top of the dome and perform alternating leg compressions. Alternate the weight from foot to foot, maintaining good trunk alignment (See Fig. 5).
For more challenge and intensity, jogging may be substituted for compressions. Step down to the other side and repeat the leap hold with the other leg.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge balance, stabilization and muscular endurance of the lower body and core.
- Step up and center one foot directly on top of the dome. Touch the other foot lightly on the side of the dome until balance is established. Slowly lift the non-weight-bearing leg out to the side.
- Keep the shoulders level and hold the arms out to the side (See Fig. 6).
For more balance challenge, rotate the torso until one arm is reaching front and the other back. Keep the hips square to the front as the torso rotates (See Fig. 7).
- Repeat the torso rotation in the other direction. Lower the lifted leg back to the dome and repeat the balance on the other leg.
- For an easier modification, keep the non-weight-bearing foot touching the side of the dome rather than lifting it in the air.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge the abdominal and lower back muscles as they work to stabilize this balanced position.
- Sit with the hips centered directly on top of the dome. Lean back slightly, then lift one leg at a time until the body is in a bent knee, v-sit position. Hands may be placed on the sides of the dome (See Fig. 8), or may be lifted for more balance challenge.
- Holding the v-sit position, slowly lower the knees to one side while rotating the torso in the opposite direction (See Fig. 9).
- The rotation of the torso should counterbalance the movement of the legs.
- Return to the starting position and alternate sides. Keep the movement slow and controlled.
- Don’t allow the lower back to round at any time during the exercise.
For an easier modification, lift only one leg and keep the other on the floor as you counter rotate the legs and torso (See Fig. 10).
The goal of this exercise is to challenge upper body strength and core stabilization.
- Turn the BOSU Balance Trainer on the dome so that the platform is facing up.
- Begin in a kneeling position with the hands grasping the recessed grips on the sides of the platform.
- With straight arms, align the chest over the center of the platform. Keep the knees bent and in contact with the floor, or extend the legs for more challenge. Bend the elbows and lower the body into a push-up (See Fig. 11). Press back up to a straight-arm position and hold with good body alignment.
Keeping the elbows extended, tilt the platform slightly to one side (See Fig. 12).
- Allow the entire body to tilt, keeping the core muscles contracted for stabilization.
- Tilt the platform back to a level position. Alternate a single push-up with a tilt to one side. Repeat the push-up and tilt to the other side. Each push-up/tilt equals one repetition.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge abdominal strength and core stabilization.
- Lie face up with the lower back centered on the dome.
- Clasp the hands behind the head and lift one leg at a time until both knees are aligned over the hips. Slowly extend one leg, pulling the other leg in toward the chest.
- Simultaneously, rotate the torso until one elbow is pointing forward and the other back (See Fig. 13).
- Alternating sides, continue this “bicycle” motion. It is important that the lower back does not arch excessively during this exercise.
After completing 12 to 20 repetitions, hold with one leg extended (opposite arm extended overhead), and the other knee pulled into the chest (opposite arm reaching down the leg). Hold this bal-ance, trying to align the body in a parallel position to the floor (See Fig. 14), then change sides.
For an easier modification of the “bicycle” movement, begin with both feet flat on the floor and the hands behind the head. Lift one leg and simultaneously rotate the torso toward the lifted leg (See Fig. 15).- Lower the leg and return the torso to the center position. Alternate sides, keeping one foot on the floor at all times.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge abdominal and lower back strength, and core stabilization.
- In a sidelying position, center the waist directly on top of the dome. Extend the legs in a “scissor” position on the floor, and align the hips one on top of the other.
- Place the hands behind the head, and relax over the dome until a stretch is felt down the side of
the body. From this stretched position, slowly lift the torso and flex to the side. - Avoid pulling on the head and neck. Instead pull the lower side of the rib cage down toward the top of the hip (See Fig. 16).
After completing 12 to 20 repetitions, lower the torso until the elbow rests on the floor. - Lift the legs until they are parallel to the floor. Hold this position and balance.
For more balance challenge, cross the arms over the chest (See Fig. 17) or extend them overhead. Repeat the lateral curl and lateral balance on the other side.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge lower back strength, as well as upper body and core stabilization.
- Kneel with one knee centered directly on top of the dome and the hands placed on the floor in front of the platform. Extend the other leg to the back.
- Simultaneously, lift that leg and the opposite arm until they are parallel to the floor (See Fig. 18).
Hold this lifted position and balance for 1 to 2 seconds. (Try to lengthen both the leg and arm away from the core of the body, focusing on length rather than height of the lift.) Slowly, bend both the arm and leg, pulling the elbow and knee toward the abdomen. Allow the lower back to flex or round slightly (See Fig. 19).
- Extend back out to the previous lifted and balanced position.
- Then, lower the arm and leg back to the starting position. Perform multiple repetitions on one side before replacing the knee with the other, and repeating the movement on the other side.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge upper body, lower body and core stabilization and balance.
- Lie face down with the hips and pelvis centered on the dome. Lift the legs until they are parallel to the floor.
- Rest the elbows on the floor, or extend the arms overhead for more challenge.
- Keeping the body straight and core muscles contracted, flutter the arms and legs (See Fig. 20). This is a small movement and the focus should be on maintaining balance while fluttering.
After 10 to 30 seconds, hold and balance with arms and legs parallel to the floor. Slowly bend one leg, then reach back with the opposite arm and touch the heel of the bent leg (See Fig. 21).
- Hold, then repeat the balance with the opposite leg and arm.
A Total Fitness Program is more than just exercise. It is a “fitness for life” plan that goes hand-in-hand with an overall, healthy lifestyle. This includes regular check-ups, healthy eating habits and exercise for the rest of your life.
A total fitness program consists of four parts:
- 1. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise to burn calories.
- Strength conditioning exercises to tone and shape your muscles, increase your metabolic rate and strengthen your bones.
- Stretching exercises to keep you moving freely and help prevent injuries.
- A diet that is safe, sensible and healthy.
Today, fitness research recommends both aerobic exercise and strength conditioning to achieve the best results and balanced fitness. By improving your aerobic fitness you will strengthen your heart and lungs, improve your stamina and endurance. Strength conditioning adds lean muscle to your body. This increases your body’s calorie-burning ability by increasing your metabolism. As a result, your body burns more calories, even while you rest. When you combine aerobic workouts with strength conditioning, you can burn more fat and calories when compared with aerobic exercise alone.
The BOSU Balance Trainer workout can enhance your Total Fitness Program by integrating balance training into aerobic and strength exercises, as well as stretching. You should also make healthy, low-fat eating a big priority.
Consult with your physician about an eating plan that’s right for you. Healthy eating habits and exercise will help you reach your goal. We recommend that you follow dietary guidelines approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Setup Guide
To set up your Bosu Home Balance Trainer,
- Start by unpacking the device and locating the pump.
- Inflate the Bosu to the recommended pressure using the provided pump.
- Once inflated, ensure the surface is clean and dry before use.
For assembly,
- Simply follow the instructions provided in the manual or watch the setup section of the included DVD.
- There is no need for pairing or complex configuration; it is ready to use once inflated.
Your BOSU Balance Trainer has been carefully designed to require minimal maintenance for enjoyable use. To ensure this, we recommend that you do the following:
- Keep your BOSU Balance Trainer clean. Wipe sweat, dust or other residue off the BOSU Balance Trainer after each use with a towel. Water and a mild soap may also be used to clean the platform and dome.
- Store your BOSU Balance Trainer after use. The BOSU Balance Trainer is easy and convenient to store either inflated or deflated.
WARNING: DO NOT STORE THE BOSU BALANCE TRAINER IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT (SUCH AS OUTSIDE OR NEAR WINDOWS) OR NEAR HEAT SOURCES. - Direct sunlight or excessive heat (like the high temperatures that can occur in the trunk of a car) can cause the inflated dome to deform. Though the product can continue to be used, deformation may cause the original balance traits of the dome to change.
- When storing the BOSU Balance Trainer, make sure the dome is not in direct contact with any other surfaces. The dome needs to breathe to prevent sweating (i.e. an oily residue may appear on the dome), which can cause the dome to be slippery increasing the likelihood of a fall resulting in injury. If the dome does sweat, clean with water and a mild soap.
- Avoid contacting the BOSU Balance Trainer dome with sharp or abrasive objects. Sharp or abrasive objects can puncture the vinyl surface. Always check the soles of your shoes for glass, stones, etc., before standing on the BOSU Balance Trainer dome.
- When deflating your BOSU Balance Trainer for storing, you may have to pull firmly to remove the plug. It will not harm the BOSU Balance Trainer to give the plug a hard tug in order to remove it.
- Before starting this or any other exercise program, consult your physician. Your physician should assist you in determining the target heart rate zone appropriate for your age and physical condition. Your physician can also help you determine if you have physical limitations that could create a health risk or prevent you from properly using this equipment. Certain exercise programs or types of equipment may not be appropriate for all people. This is especially important for people over the age of 35, pregnant women, or those with pre-existing health problems, orthopedic conditions, or balance impairments. If you are taking medication which may affect your heart rate, a physician’s advice is absolutely essential.
- Handicapped or disabled people must have medical approval before using this equipment and should be under close supervision when using any exercise equipment.
- Do not overexert yourself with this or any other exercise program. Listen to your body and respond to any reactions you may be having. You must learn to distinguish “good” pain, like fatigue, from “bad” pain, which hurts. If you experience any pain or tightness in your chest, an irregular heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath, stop exercising at once and consult your physician immediately.
- Breathe naturally, never holding your breath during an exercise. Avoid over training, you should be able to carry on a conversation while exercising.
- Before each use, visually inspect the equipment. To help avoid unexpected sliding of the BOSU Balance Trainer, make sure all 6 feet are tightly inserted into the platform. Do not use the equipment if any of the feet are missing. Never use the equipment if parts are missing or if the equipment is not functioning properly.
- Before each use, make sure the dome is properly inflated. Over-inflating the dome can cause the dome to separate from the platform. Immediately stop using the equipment and contact customer service if this occurs.
- Wear appropriate clothing when exercising. Workout clothing should be comfortable and lightweight, and should allow freedom of movement. Wear comfortable athletic shoes made of good support with non-slip soles, such as cross-training or aerobic shoes. For some exercises, you may be instructed to exercise in your bare feet. Never exercise in socks, stockings, etc.
- Use this equipment only for the intended use as described by the manufacturer. Do not modify the equipment or use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.
- Follow the exercise technique guidelines in this manual and when following any of the BOSU exercise videos. Correct exercise technique will help you get the results you want and keep you exercising safely. Do not use your BOSU Balance Trainer until you have read this manual completely.
- Start out slowly and progress sensibly. Before beginning any workouts, become acclimated with the dynamic surface of the BOSU Balance Trainer by slowly stepping on and off the dome, practicing the “centered” position, etc. Once you become acclimated, start with the beginner workout and become familiar with all of the exercises before moving on to more advanced workouts or exercises.
- The dynamic surface of the BOSU Balance Trainer can enhance fitness training in a number of ways but it is important to remember that it is still highly unstable and the potential for a fall that may result in injury does exist. Move slowly and with control throughout the workout. To reduce the likelihood of a fall, simply step off of the BOSU Balance Trainer safely to the floor if you feel that you are losing your balance at anytime.
- Standing on platform is not recommended. It is an advanced exercise that increases the risk of a fall resulting in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.
- Make sure the BOSU Balance Trainer is set on a non-slip, level surface with adequate clearance space around you. You should have enough space to lie in a face up, face down, or sidelying position on top of the dome, and to be able to step off safely in any direction. Make sure that if you lost your balance and fell, you would not hit any nearby objects. To reduce the risk of injury if a fall were to occur, use a mat or exercise pad on wood or other hard surfaces.
- Wipe sweat off the vinyl surface of the BOSU Balance Trainer dome before each use and while working out as needed. Not unlike a wet basketball floor, sweat will make the dome surface slippery. Use a towel to wipe sweat off the dome if necessary. A dry BOSU Balance Trainer provides for a safer and more effective training environment.
- Warm up before any exercise program by doing 5 to 10 minutes of gentle aerobic exercise, such as walking, followed by stretching.
- Cool down after an exercise session, with 5 to 10 minutes of gentle exercise, such as walking, followed by stretching.
- The BOSU Balance Trainer is not a toy. Children must be supervised by an adult familiar with the proper use of this product. To prevent injuries, keep this and all fitness equipment out of the reach of unsupervised children. Follow these simple rules:
- Keep unsupervised children out of rooms where you have your exercise equipment.
- Store exercise equipment in a room that can be locked.
- Know exactly where your children are when you work out.
- If you have small children at home, don’t wear headphones while you work out.
- Talk to your kids about the dangers of exercise equipment.
- When storing the BOSU Balance Trainer, make sure the dome is not in direct contact with any other surfaces. The dome needs to breathe to prevent sweating (i.e. an oily residue may appear on the dome), which can cause the dome to be slippery increasing the likelihood of a fall resulting in injury. If the dome does sweat, follow the cleaning instructions on page 9.
To reduce the risk of serious injury or death, read all safety labels and owner’s manual, or be instructed by a qualified trainer/physical therapist.
- Do not overexert. Stop if you feel faint or dizzy.
- Inspect before each use. Do not use if damaged.
- Check with your doctor before using BOSU.
- Children must be supervised by an adult familiar with proper use.
This equipment challenges your balance. You may fall off. Make sure you have adequate space around you in case you fall. Standing on platform side increases your risk of falling. If you lose your balance, the platform tips quickly. If you choose to stand on the platform side:
- Take extra precautions, such as holding a securely fixed handhold, not holding weights or any other object, having a spotter, and placing mats on the floor.
- Be prepared to fall. Even with precautions, this advanced activity may result in injury or death.
Standing on this side increases your risk of falling.
If you encounter any issues with your Bosu Home Balance Trainer, here are some common problems and solutions:
- Deflation: Check for any leaks or punctures and use the provided patch kit if necessary.
- Slipping: Ensure the surface is clean and dry before use. You can also use a non-slip mat under the Bosu for added stability.
- Difficulty Inflating: Make sure the valve is fully open during inflation and check for any blockages in the pump.
Always follow the instructions and warnings provided in the manual to avoid any injuries or damage to the product.
Bosu Home Balance Trainer Pros & Cons
- Versatile and can be used for various exercises.
- Improves balance, strength, and flexibility.
- Durable and high-quality construction.
- Includes comprehensive workout materials.
- Affordable compared to other similar products.
Customer Reviews
Customers have praised the Bosu Home Balance Trainer 10855R-5 for its effectiveness in improving balance and overall fitness. Many users appreciate the variety of exercises that can be performed with this device and the comprehensive workout materials included. However, some users have noted that it may take some time to get used to the unstable surface, and regular inflation checks are necessary.
Common complaints
Include the need for occasional deflation and re-inflation to maintain optimal pressure and some users finding it less stable than expected on certain flooring types.
For a period of 90 days from date of receipt, Hedstrom Fitness warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty applies only when purchase of the product is from an authorized dealer and is for personal or household use, but not when the sale or any resale is for commercial use.
What is the weight capacity of the Bosu?
How do I inflate the Bosu Trainer?
Can I use the Bosu on any floor surface?
What kind of exercises can I do with the Trainer?
How do I clean and maintain my Bosu Home Balance Trainer 10855R-5?
Is the Bosu Home Balance Trainer suitable for beginners?
What if my Balance Trainer deflates over time?
Can I use the Bosu Home Balance Trainer if I have physical limitations or injuries?
How long does it take to get used to using the Bosu Home Balance Trainer?
Is there a warranty on the Trainer 10855R-5?
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