Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 Owner Manual



Introduction of Bowflex Home Gym PR1000

The Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 is a versatile and affordable home gym machine that offers over 30 strength training exercises. This compact and durable machine is perfect for those looking to build muscle, burn calories, and improve overall fitness from the comfort of their own home. With an estimated price range of $400 to $600 and a launching date of 2021, the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 is a great investment for anyone looking to improve their physical fitness.


Physical Dimensions

Length (not in use)82” (208cm)
Length (maximum in use)103” (262cm)
Width (maximum in use)80” (203cm)
Height82” (209cm)
Weight131 lbs. (59.5kg)
Box Weight145 lbs. (65.8kg)
Box Dimensions54”l x 33”w x 8”h (137cm x 84cm x 21cm)


  • Maximum Weight Capacity: 300 lbs. (136kg)

Features and Use

Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
If you have not exercised recently, are pregnant, have a heart condition, or any physical limitation, consult with your physician before you use your machine. If you experience tightness in your chest, an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, feel faint, lightheaded or dizzy, or have any pain, STOP and consult your physician immediately.

How Often Should You Exercise

  • 3 times a week for 20 minutes each day.
  • Schedule workouts in advance and try to follow the schedule.

What to Wear
Wear rubber-soled athletic shoes. You will need the appropriate clothes for exercise that allow you to move freely.
Stretch before starting your exercise session. Warm muscles respond better to exercises.

  • Achilles Tendon and Calf
    With both hands against a wall, place one foot behind you. Lean in toward the wall while keeping the rear leg straight and your heel on the ground. Repeat for the other leg.
  • Quadriceps
    Put your left hand on a wall or table for balance. Reach you right hand behind your back and grasp your right ankle, pull it gently toward your buttocks until you feel tension along the front of your thigh. Repeat on the other side.
  • Hamstring
    Stand on one leg and prop the other leg parallel to the ground on a stable cabinet or table top. Slide both hands toward the propped-up ankle as far as is comfortable. Repeat on other side.
  1. A Top Cross Bar 
  2. B Top Cross Bar Pully 
  3. C Leg Attachment
  4. D Chest Pully Cross Bar.
  5. E Chest Bar Pully
  6. F Rod Box
  7. G Power Rod Unit

Power Rod Resistance
Power Rod units are made from a special composite material. The rods are sheathed with a protective black rubber coating. Each rod is marked with its weight rating on the "Rod Cap".


Adjusting and Understanding the Resistance 
The Bowflex PR1000 home gym comes with 210 lbs. (95kg) of nominal resistance [one pair of 5 lb. (2.25kg) rods, two pair of 10 lb. (4.5kg) rods, one pair of 30 lb. (13.5kg) rods, and one pair of 50 lb. (22.5kg) rods].
Note: Power Rod Resistance Rods are manufactured using nylon composite material. The weight resistance measurements are estimates and resistance can vary based on environmental and usage patterns and other factors. 


Rod resistance will normally degrade over time and after extensive usage. If you have any questions regarding the resistance of your Power Rod Resistance Rods, contact our Bowflex Customer Service department for assistance.

Connecting the Power Rod Unit to the Cables
 You may use one rod or several rods in combination, to create your desired resistance level.

  1. To hook multiple rods up to one cable, bend the closest rod toward the cable and place the cable hook through that rod cap. You can then hook up the next closest rod through the same cable hook.
  2. Hooking up the closest rod first prevents rods from crossing over the top of one another.



WARNING: When you attach the Power Rod units do not stand directly looking above the top of the rods. Stay off to the side while you attach the rods.


When You Are Not Using Your Home Gym Disconnect the cables from the Power Rod unit when your are not using your home gym. Use the rod binding strap included with your machine to bind all the rods together at the top. You can also place your cables and grips through the strap to keep them out of the way. Leaving the rods and cables under tension could cause injury if a rod were inadvertantly released.

WARNING: Keep the cables and Power Rod units bound with the rod binding strap when not in operation, and be sure and remove the binding strap before beginning any exercises using the rods.

The Workout Bench
Your Bowfl ex home gym has a number of seat and bench positions: Flat bench, 45° incline and free-sliding seat extension. To adjust the seat, pull out the Seat Rail Knob, then slide the seat to one of the two locking holes on the Seat Rail. Release the Seat Rail Knob to secure the seat.


WARNING: Do not make any adjustments to the seat while sitting on it.  Do not stand on the seat.

Removing the Bench
The Bench easily attaches and releases from the Seat. To attach the Bench, insert the half hinge on the end of the Bench into the half hinge on the seat. To remove the Bench, lift up on the long portion of the seat and pull it away from seat rail.
Flat Bench
The Flat bench position is used for most of the exercises. 
45° Incline Bench
Start with a fl at bench, following the above instructions to release and move the seat and bench. Lift the bench while you slide the seat toward the Power Rod® unit until the bench back rests against the Lat Tower.
Free-Sliding Seat
Remove the Bench, pull out the Seat Rail Knob, twist it a half turn and release it to put the Seat in a “free sliding” position for Calf Raise or Leg Press exercises.
Maintenance and Care of Your Bowfl ex Home Gym
Inspect your machine for any worn or loose components prior to use. Tighten or replace any worn or loose components prior to use. Pay close attention to cables, or belts and their connections. The safety and integrity designed into a machine can only be maintained when the equipment is regularly examined for damage and repaired. It is the sole responsibility of the owner to ensure that regular maintenance is performed. Worn or damaged components should be replaced immediately or the equipment removed from service until the repair is made. Only manufacturer supplied components should be used to maintain/repair the equipment. 

Clean the bench with a non-abrasive household cleaner after each use. Do not use automotive cleaner, which can make the bench too "slick".

Storing Your Home Gym

  1. Lock the Seat and Bench into the flat position.
  2. Remove all Power Rod® resistance and then bind the Power Rod® unit with the rod binding strap.
  3. Remove the Seat Rail Knob from the seat rail.
  4. Tilt the bench toward the Power Rod® unit.
  5. Secure the bench by inserting the Seat Rail Knob into the hole in the side of the Seat Rail Bracket.


WARNING: Failure to attach the Seat Rail Securing Device into the seat rail can cause injury.

  • Do not stand on the base below the Seat Rail when you lift or lower it. This can cause injury.
  • Always use two hands to lift and lower the Seat Rail. Bend at the knees when you lift or lower the Seat Rail. Failure to use correct lifting procedure can cause injury.
  • Do not try to exercise when the seat rail is in the folded position.
  • Do not move the machine without aid. Injury to you or damage to the machine can occur.


Accessories and Equipment

WARNING: Always inspect for wear prior to use.

  1. Handgrips: After fitting the handgrips firmly to your hand, ankle, or wrist, attach the pulley cable clips to the D-rings on the handgrips to attach them to the cables.
  2. Standard Grip:  Grasp the grip and cuff together to form a grip without inserting your hand through the cuff portion. Most of the exercises you perform utilize this grip. The Standard Grip also is used for Hammer Grip exercises, when you need to hold the handgrip vertically for greater wrist support.
  3. Hand Cuff Grip:  Slip your hand through the cuff portion of the grip so that the foam pad rests on the back of your hand. Then grasp the remainder of the grip that is sitting in your palm. This method of gripping is great for exercises like front shoulder raises or any exercise where your palm is facing down.
  4. Foot Grip:  Slip your foot through the cuff of the handle and slide the foam grip against the top of your foot.

  5. Leg Press Belt: Wear the Leg Press Belt around your lower arch of spine and attach the D-rings to cable clips. Belt must remain in slight tension to not fall from arch during exercise.


Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 Workouts

Define Your Goals
It is important to define your goals before you begin your workout routine. The following fitness guidelines will help you  define your goals and choose your fitness program.

  1. Muscle Strength is the maximum force that you can exert against resistance at one time. Your muscle strength comes into play when you pick up a heavy bag of groceries or lift a small child. It is developed when a localized muscle is worked both positively (concentric) and negatively (eccentric) at a resistance—great enough so you can perform only five to eight repetitions of the exercise before the muscle fails. Each set of repetitions is followed by a rest interval that typically runs three times longer than the set. Later, between exercise sessions, the muscle overcompensates for the stress and usually increases in both strength and size. 
  2. Muscle Endurance is the ability to perform repeated contractions. It comes into play when you cross-country ski or work on your feet all day. Endurance training addresses the slow twitch, endurance muscle fibers, which depend on oxygen for energy. To develop muscle endurance, use low resistance and high repetitions about 15-20 repetitions in each set, three sets to each exercise, working the muscle only to fatigue. 
  3. Muscle Power is the combination of strength and speed of the muscular contraction. This is often misinterpreted as; a) being directly associated with certain skill or sport and/or; b) meaning that you must move fast. Load is actually a more important factor than speed when attempting to improve power. When training to achieve muscular power, pick a resistance that fatigues you in the 3-5 repetition range. When performing these reps, it is more important to think of contracting the muscles faster rather than attempting to move faster. Performing sport simulation exercises usually results in a deterioration of the motor pattern or skill. The biomechanically sound method of improving power in your sport is to train for power using the correct joint movements, as described in this manual. Then practice the skill associated with your sport, learning to apply this newly achieved power.
  4. Body Composition  is the ratio of fat weight (fat) to lean weight (muscles, bones and tissue). As you age, the ratio shifts. The fat weight increases and the lean weight decreases. Training for muscle strength will generally increase muscle size and aerobic conditioning will help burn extra calories. Performing these two forms of exercise, either at different times or together, will create the greatest changes in body fat weight. Balanced Strength and alignment are the result of equal strength developed in all parts of the body. It comes into play in your standing and sitting posture, and in your ability to perform just about any activity safely and effectively. An over-development of the back will round the shoulders; weak or stretched abdominals can cause lower back pain. You want a balance of muscle strength in front and back. In addition, you need a balance of strength between your middle, lower, and upper body.
  5. Flexibility is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to move the joint through a full range of motion. Flexibility comes into play when you execute an overhand serve or stretch for the top shelf in the kitchen. It is a cooperative movement of opposite muscle groups. When a muscle contracts, its opposite muscle group must relax for the action to occur. Increased flexibility means an increased range of motion, made possibly by this simultaneous contracting and relaxing. Good flexibility is important in protecting the body from injury and can be achieved through the balanced strength training programs that are included in this manual. 
  6. Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen and nutrients to exercising muscles over an extended period of time. It comes into play when you jog a mile or ride a bike. It is a critical component of overall fitness and health.

Design Your Own Program
You may want to design your own personal program specifically geared to your goals and lifestyle. Designing a program is easy by following the guidelines below. Understand fitness and its components Improperly designed programs can be dangerous. Take some time to review this manual as well as other fitness guides.

  • Know your current fitness level 
    Before you start any fitness program you should consult a physician who will help you determine your current abilities.
  • Identify your goals 
    Goals are critical to choosing and designing an exercise program that fits and enhances your lifestyle, but so is strategy. It’s important not to rush the process and try to accomplish too much too soon. That will lead to setbacks and discouragement. Instead, set a series of smaller achievable goals.
  • Select complementary exercises 
    Be sure to pair exercises that address compound joint movements and single joint movements. In addition, select exercises that address complementary muscle groups.
  • Put first things first 
    During each session, first work muscle groups that need the most training. Remember your cardiovascular component Any fitness program must contain a cardiovascular fitness component to be complete. So complement your resistance training with aerobic exercise such as walking, running, or bicycling.
  • Training variables 
    When designing your own program there are several variables that, when mixed properly, will equal the right fitness formula for you. In order to find out the best formula, you must experiment with several combinations of variables.

The variables are as follows

  • Training Frequency: The number of times you train per week. We recommend daily activity but not daily training of the same muscle group.
  • Training Intensity: The amount of resistance used during your repetition.
  • Training Volume: The number of repetitions and sets performed.
  • Rest Intervals: The time you rest between sets and the time you rest between workouts.

Once you’ve established a base of fitness, follow these basic principles

  • Isolate Muscle Groups: Focus work on specific muscle groups.
  • Progressive Loading: The gradual systematic increase of repetitions, resistance and exercise period.

Working Out
A good pre-workout mental routine is to sit and relax, so that you can focus on what you are about to do and think about achieving your end goal.
Warming Up
We recommend that you warm up by doing light stretching and performing light exercises on the Bowflex® home gym.
Cooling Down
An essential part of the exercise routine is the cool down. Gradually reduce the level of exercise intensity so that blood does not accumulate in one muscle group, but continues to circulate at a decreasing rate. Remember to gradually move yourself into a relaxed state.
Breathing in or out during the actual performance is not dependent upon the direction of air flow relative to exertion. It is, in fact, a mechanical process that changes the position of your spine as your rib cage moves. Here are some tips for breathing:

  1. Be cautious when you are concentrating or exerting effort. This is when you will probably hold your breath. Do not hold your breath. Do not exaggerate breathing. Depth of inhalation and exhalation should be natural for the situation.
  2. Allow breathing to occur naturally, do not force it.

Description of Bowflex Home Gym PR1000

The Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 features a Power Rod resistance system that provides up to 210 pounds of resistance. This machine also includes a horizontal bench press, lat pulldown, and rowing machine, allowing for a full-body workout. The PR1000 also has a sliding seat rail that allows for aerobic rowing and leg press exercises. The compact design of this machine makes it easy to fit into any home gym space, and its sturdy steel construction ensures durability and stability.

20 Minute Better Body Workout

Frequency: 3 days per week (M-W-F)
Time: 20 minutes
Start by performing one set of each exercise. Warm up with a light resistance that you can perform easily for 5–10 reps without fatigue. Focus on practicing and learning your technique before increasing the resistance. Then move to a more challenging resistance that you can perform no less than 10 reps and no more than 15 reps. As you become stronger, you can advance to two sets for each exercise. Complete all sets of each exercise before moving on to the next one. Rest 30 to 45 seconds between sets. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.

Body Part





Bench Press1-210-15
BackSeated LatRows1-210-15
ShouldersCrossover SeatedRear Deltoid Rows1-210-15
ArmsStanding Biceps Curl1-210-15
Triceps Pushdown1-210-15
LegsCalf Raise1-210-15
Leg Press1-210-15


Trunk Rotation



Seated Abdominal Crunch



Advanced General Conditioning

Frequency: 4 days per week (M-T-Th-F)
Time: 20 minutes
When you are proficient in performing the exercise techniques of the above workout and are no longer realizing results, or have become just plain bored, it is time to change your program. You can increase your training with  this "split system" routine that works opposing muscle groups on different days. To do this, you will increase your resistance when you can perform 12 reps perfectly, and you will increase your volume by performing more sets and more exercises. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.

Days 1 & 3

Body Part





Bench Press1-310-12
ShouldersSeated Shoulder Press1-310-12
ArmsTriceps Pushdown1-310-12
Standing Biceps Curl1-310-12
LegsLeg Extension1-310-12
Calf Raise1-310-12

Days 2 & 4

Body Part





Seated LatRows1-310-12
Stiff Arm Pulldowns1-310-12
ShouldersCrossover SeatedRear Deltoid Row1-310-12
ArmsStanding Biceps Curl1-310-12
Triceps Pushdown1-310-12
TrunkTrunk Rotation1-310-12
Seated Abdominal Crunch1-310-12

20 Minute Upper/Lower Body

Frequency: 4 days per week (M-T-Th-F)
Time: 20 minutes
This program provides a quick and effective workout that combines muscle conditioning with some cardiovascular benefits. Perform this routine when you are limited in time or just want a variation to your normal routine. Perform this program training 2 days, resting 1 to 2. Perform all exercises to near failure, stopping at the point that your technique starts to deteriorate. Rest only 20-30 seconds between sets. As you get stronger, increase the number of sets you perform. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count three seconds up and three seconds down.

Days 1 & 3

Body Part





Bench Press1-312-15
BackSeated Lat Rows1-312-15
ShouldersCrossover SeatedRear Deltoid Rows1-312-15
ArmsStanding Biceps Curl1-312-15
Lying Triceps Extension1-312-15

Days 2 & 4

Body Part





Leg Extension1-312-15
Leg Press1-312-15
Standing Leg Kickback1-312-15
Standing Hip Adduction1-312-15
TrunkTrunk Rotation1-310-12
Seated Abdominal Crunch1-310-12

Body Building

Frequency: 6 days on, 1 day off (Day 6)
Time: 45-60 minutes
Body building requires focused concentration and dedication to training, as well as proper eating habits. Work each muscle group to fatigue before moving on to the next exercise. Do not neglect any muscle group. If needed, include an aerobic activity to increase your caloric expenditure and help to reduce your body fat levels to achieve a defined muscular look. Rest 30-60 seconds between each set and exercise. Focus on proper form. Tighten the muscle before you move, squeeze the muscle as you move, cramp the muscle at the point of full contraction, and resist the movement as you lower the weight. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count three seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.

Days 1 & 3

Body Part





Bench Press2-48-12
Decline Bench Press2-48-12
ShouldersSeated Shoulder Press2-48-12
Crossover SeatedRear Deltoid Rows2-48-12
Front Shoulder Raise2-48-12
Scapular Retraction2-48-12

Days 2 & 4

Body Part





Seated LatRows2-48-12
Reverse GripPulldowns2-48-12
ArmsStanding Biceps Curl2-48-12
Standing WristCurl2-48-12
Triceps Pushdown2-48-12
Lying Triceps Extension2-48-12

Days 5 & 7

Body Part





Leg Press2-48-12
Leg Extension2-48-12
Standing Leg Kickback2-48-12
Seated Hip Abduction2-48-12
TrunkSeated Abdominal Crunch2-48-12
Trunk Rotation2-48-12

Circuit Training

Frequency: 6 days on, 1 day off (Day 6)
Time: 20-45 minutes
Circuit training is a great way to achieve the benefits of strength training and cardiovascular training in one quick, challenging routine. The idea is to move quickly from exercise to exercise, taking only as much rest between sets as it takes to set up the next exercise (less than 20 seconds). One circuit equals one set of each exercise. Initially, start with completing one round of Circuit 1. Then add an additional round of the same circuit. Once you reach three rounds of Circuit 1, add one round of Circuit 2. Add additional rounds of Circuit 2 as your fitness level increases. Repeat the process with Circuit 3. Do not let your heart rate exceed 220, minus your resting heart rate. Perform each rep of each exercise slowly. Count three seconds up and three seconds down.

Days 1 & 3

Body Part




Bench Press8-12
LegsLeg Press8-12
BackSeated LatRows8-12
LegsCalf Raise8-12
TrunkSeated Abdominal Crunch


Days 2 & 4

Body Part




Seated Shoulder Press8-12
LegsLeg Extension8-12
BackNarrow Pulldowns8-12
TrunkSeated Abdominal Crunch8-12
ArmsStanding Biceps Curl


Days 5 & 7

Body Part




Crossover SeatedRear Deltoid Rows8-12
ArmsTriceps Pushdown8-12
LegsCalf Raise8-12
TrunkTrunk Rotation8-12

True Aerobic Circuit Training

Frequency: 2-3 times per week
Time: 20-60 minutes
Circuit training is a great way to achieve the benefits of strength training and cardiovascular training in one quick, challenging routine. By returning to an aerobic exercise between each set you are increasing your aerobic capacity, endurance and burning fat as energy. The idea is to move quickly from exercise to exercise, taking only as much rest between sets as it takes to set up the next exercise (less than 20 seconds). One circuit equals one set of each exercise. Initially, start with completing one round of Circuit 1. Then add an additional round of the same circuit. Once you reach three rounds of Circuit 1, add one round of Circuit 2. Add additional rounds of Circuit 2 as your fitness level increases. Do not let your heart rate exceed 220 minus your resting heart rate. Perform each rep of each exercise slowly and with perfect technique. Count three seconds up and three seconds down.
Any type of aerobic exercise can be used for this routine. Some examples are: jumping jacks, jogging in place, or stair climbing.

Circuit 1

Body Part




Bench Press8-12
Aerobic Exercise30-60 Seconds


LegsLeg Press8-12
Aerobic Exercise30-60 Seconds


BackSeated Lat Rows8-12
AerobicExercise30-60 Seconds


LegsCalf Raise8-12
AerobicExercise30-60 Seconds


TrunkSeated Abdominal Crunch


Aerobic Excercise

30-60 Seconds


Circuit 2

Body Part




Seated Shoulder Press8-12
Aerobic Exercise30-60 Seconds


LegsLeg Extension8-12
Aerobic Exercise30-60 Seconds


BackReverse Grip Pulldown8-12
AerobicExercise30-60 Seconds


TrunkTrunk Rotation8-12
AerobicExercise30-60 Seconds


ArmsStanding Biceps Curl


Strength Training

Frequency: 3 days per week (M-W-F)
Time: 45-60 minutes
This program is designed to emphasize overall strength development. This is an advanced routine to be used only after you have progressed from the advanced general conditioning routine and only after you have perfected your exercise techniques. Work each set to near exhaustion. If you can perform more than 5 to 8 reps, you should increase your resistance 5 lbs and decrease your reps to 5. Rest 60–120 seconds between each set and exercise. Focus on proper form. Tighten the muscle before you move, squeeze the muscle as you move, cramp the muscle at the point of full contraction, and resist the movement as you lower the weight. Move slowly on each rep. Use a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count two seconds up and four seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.

Day 1

Body Part





Bench Press2-45-8
Decline Bench Press2-45-8
ShouldersSeated Shoulder Press2-45-8
Crossover SeatedRear Deltoid Rows2-45-8
Front Shoulder Raise2-45-8

Day 2

Body Part





Seated LatRows2-45-8
Stiff Arm Pulldowns2-45-8
ArmsStanding Biceps Curl2-45-8
Standing WristCurl2-45-8
Triceps Pushdown2-45-8
Triceps Extension2-45-8

Day 3

Body Part





Leg Press2-45-8
Leg Extension2-45-8
Standing Leg Kickback2-45-8
Calf Raise2-45-8
TrunkTrunk Rotation2-45-8
Seated Abdominal Crunch2-45-8

Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 Exercise

WARNING: Keep your body weight centered on the machine, seat or base frame platform while exercising. When using the machine for standing leg exercises, always hold the Lat Tower of the machine for stability. All exercises in this manual are based on the calibrated resistance and capacity levels of this machine. Only exercises included in this manual or in written materials authorized and supplied by Bowflex® are recommended for operation with this machine.

Aerobic Rowing


Muscles worked

  • Pectoralis Major;
  • Anterior Deltoids

Machine Set-Up

  • Remove bench and seat rail knob
  • Chest Bar pulleys
  • Hand Grips
  • Attach the clips to the resistance rods

Success Tips

  • Maintain good spinal alignment. Keep chest lifted.
  • Bend from the hip during movement, not from the waist.

Chest Exercises

Bench Press: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (and elbow extension)


Muscles Worked

  • Pectoralis Major, 
  • Deltoids, 
  • Triceps

Machine Set-Up

  • Adjust the bench to a 45° incline.
  • Chest Bar pulleys
  • Handgrips
  • Attach the clips to the Power Rod® resistance rods.

Success Tips

  • Maintain a 90° angle between your upper arms and your torso throughout the motion.
  • Keep your chest muscles tight.
  • Limit and control your range of motion.
  • Keep your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, head back against the bench
  • Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and maintain good spinal alignment.

Decline Bench Press: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (and elbow extension)


Muscles Worked

  • Pectoralis Major, 
  • Deltoids, 
  • Triceps

Machine Set-Up

  • Adjust the bench to a 45° incline.
  • Chest Bar pulleys
  • Handgrips
  • Attach the clips to the Power Rod® resistance rods.

Success Tips

  • Maintain a 90° angle between your upper arms and torso at the start of the motion, and slightly less than 90° at the finish.
  • Keep your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, head back against the bench.
  • Do not let your elbows travel behind your shoulders.
  • Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and maintain good spinal alignment.

Incline Bench Press: Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (and elbow extension)


Muscles Worked

  • Pectoralis Major, 
  • Deltoids, 
  • Triceps

Machine Set-Up

  • Adjust the bench to a 45° incline.
  • Chest Bar pulleys
  • Handgrips
  • Attach the clips to the Power Rod® resistance rods.

Success Tips

  • Maintain a 90° angle between your upper arms and torso at the start of the motion, and slightly less than 90° at the finish 
  • Keep your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, head back against the bench.
  • Do not let your elbows travel behind your shoulders.
  • Keep your shoulder blades pinched together and maintain good spinal alignment.

Setup Guide

To set up the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000, first, find a flat and stable surface to place the machine. Next, unfold the bench and secure it in place. Attach the Power Rods to the cable pulley system, and adjust the seat and bench to your desired position. Connect the machine to a power source, and you're ready to start your workout. Be sure to review the user manual for detailed instructions and safety precautions before use.

Before using this equipment, obey the following warnings

  • Children must not be let on or near to this machine. Moving parts and other features of the machine can be dangerous to children.
  • Not intended for use by anyone under 14 years of age.
  • Consult a physician before you start an exercise program. Stop exercising if you feel pain or tightness in your chest, become short of breath, or feel faint. Contact your doctor before you use the machine again.
  • Before each use, examine this machine for loose parts or signs of wear. Inspect all cables, pulleys and their connections, making sure they are properly secured and attached, and show no signs of visible wear or damage. Contact Nautilus® Customer Service for repair information.
  • Maximum user weight limit: 300 lb. (136 kg).  Do not use if you are over this weight.
  • This machine is for home use only.
  • Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. This machine contains moving parts. Do not put fingers or other objects into moving parts of the exercise equipment.
  • Always wear rubber soled athletic shoes when you use this machine. Do not use the machine with bare feet or only wearing socks.
  • Set up and operate this machine on a solid, level, horizontal surface.
  • Do not operate this machine outdoors or in moist or wet locations.
  • Keep at least 36” (0.9m) on each side of the machine clear. This is the recommended safe distance for access and passage around and emergency dismounts from the machine. Keep third parties out of this space when machine is in use.
  • Do not over exert yourself during exercise. Operate the machine in the manner described in this manual.
  • Do not use Dumbbells or other weight equipment to incrementally increase the weight resistance. Use only the weight resistance that came with your gym.
  • Correctly engage the Selector Hook to the Rod End.
  • Correctly adjust and safely engage all Positional Adjustment Devices. Make sure that the Adjustment Devices do not hit the user.
  • Keep clear of Power Rod® movement path during operation. Keep any bystanders clear of machine and Power Rod movement path during operation.

Important Safety Instructions
Safety Warning Labels and Serial Number
Locate and read all safety warnings before operation. Replace any warning label if it is damaged, illegible, or missing. 


CAUTION: Before each use check all snap hooks, cables and pulleys for wear and proper function. Tighten all fasteners as necessary.

WARNING: The Maximum User Weight for this machine is 300 pounds (136 KG). This machine is for Home use only.

Troubleshooting of Bowflex Home Gym PR1000

If you experience any issues with the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000, first check to make sure all connections are secure and that the machine is properly plugged in. If the machine is still not functioning properly, consult the user manual for troubleshooting steps specific to the issue you are experiencing. Always use caution when operating the machine and follow all safety guidelines to prevent injury.

Pros & Cons


  • Versatile with over 30 strength training exercises
  • Power Rod resistance system provides up to 210 pounds of resistance
  • Compact and durable design
  • Affordable price range


  • Resistance level may not be sufficient for advanced weightlifters
  • Some users may find the bench uncomfortable for extended use

Customer Reviews about Bowflex Home Gym PR1000

Customers have praised the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 for its versatility, affordability, and compact design. Many users have noted that the machine is easy to assemble and use, and that it provides a great full-body workout. However, some users have reported issues with the durability of the machine and the comfort of the bench. Overall, the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 has received positive reviews from customers and is a great option for those looking for a versatile and affordable home gym machine.



What type of resistance does the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 use?

Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 uses Power Rod resistance, a unique technology designed to provide a smooth and controlled lifting motion that's easier on the joints compared to free weights.

Can I upgrade the resistance rods on the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 for more weight?

Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 comes with a set maximum resistance and does not support rod upgrades. It is designed to accommodate a range of exercises and resistance training needs without the need for upgrades.

What is the maximum user weight for the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000?

Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 is built to support a maximum user weight of approximately 300 pounds (136 kilograms). It's important to adhere to this limit for safety and equipment longevity.

How much space do I need to use the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 effectively?

When fully assembled and in use, it's recommended to have a workout area that measures at least 103” x 80” with a ceiling high enough to accommodate an upright user. Additional space for movement and safety should be considered.

What kind of exercises can I do with the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000?

Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 allows for over 30 different exercises, providing a full-body workout. This includes variations of presses, rows, pulldowns, leg extensions, and curls.

Does the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 come with a workout plan or manual?

Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 includes a manual that details assembly instructions, safety guidelines, and a variety of exercises. Some models may come with suggested workout plans to get you started.

Are there any maintenance tips for the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000?

Regularly check the Power Rods for signs of wear, ensure bolts are tight, and wipe down the equipment after use to prevent sweat corrosion. Lubrication of moving parts may be required over time.

How difficult is it to assemble the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000?

Assembly difficulty can vary by individual capability, but the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000comes with a detailed manual. It’s recommended to have two people for assembly which can take a few hours.

How do I adjust the resistance on the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000?

To adjust the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 , simply hook or unhook the Power Rods from the cable hook, increasing or decreasing the amount of rods in use according to the desired resistance.

What is the warranty for the Bowflex Home Gym PR1000?

Warranty Bowflex Home Gym PR1000 can vary, but typically there is a one-year warranty on the frame, five years on the Power Rods, and 60 days on parts.

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